Thursday, April 22, 2010

Interesting life!

For those of you who don't know me, this has been a very difficult time in my life. Maybe I didn't do everything the right way, but it was my way. I have no idea who keeps posting the nasty messages on facebook, my blog, and my email. I'm not sure why you would concern yourself with my life. You must have issues yourself to continue to harass me. I wish you well.

To all of the officers and deputies that have been involved recently in my crazy world, I can not thank you enough for all of your help. You have my greatest respect, it's not just about being a cop, it's about being a human being with a heart. Thanks again to all of you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Moving on!

Today I will close the door one last time to a life that I will no longer live. I respect my children's wishes, even though your words devastated me. As an adult you make your own choices and I respect yours as I hope understand my life will move forward and I will never look back.

For Judy, you have so much courage to post on my blog and I can't thank you enough for painting such a wonderful picture of my life even though you don't walk in my shoes. I wonder why your courage is only in false words, maybe you should face me person and give me your great advise. I would surely love to hear it.

To my true friends, new and old. May all of our dreams come true and we find the faith everyday to live our life with courage! Thank you for your help, protection, and the years of laughter we have ahead of us.